Six Swedish companies among the Top 100 Global Innovators

Thomson Reuters just released a new report that presents the world leaders in innovation. Companies with more than 100 innovative patens from the last three years were analyzed and six Swedish companies are among the final Top 100 Global Innovators:

  • Alfa Laval
  • Atlas Copco
  • Ericsson
  • Sandvik
  • Scania
  • Volvo

Sweden is only lagging behind the US, Japan and France when it comes to number of companies included in the list. No companies from our neighbours Denmark, Norway or Finland are included.


Full report can be found here.

Ericsson looks at RSS

Peter Stark, Application Manager at Sony Ericsson har written a position paper for W3C “Mobile Web Initiative” Workshop in Barcelona. In the paper Stark argues that:

“To further address the issue of how to get users online, and their reluctance to browse the Web in the traditional meaning, we look at another major trend. Push services are on the rise on the Internet, based on the de facto standard RSS. We believe that RSS has a great potential in mobile phones, as a technology to automatically provide updated content to users – accessing the Web without browsing.”