Today, I have been blogging for eight years. That’s an incredibly long time and I have published more than 1,500 posts here on Media Culpa, or almost 200 blog posts per year. The first posts were nothing more than short notes, but the posts soon developed more inte longer articles.
To celebrate the occasion, I thought that I would share some small details about the past year for this blog.
- 80% of my visitors are from outside of Sweden (up from 72% previous 12 months). During the last year, the blog has gotten visitors from 174 different countries/territories (up from 162), including Greenland, Kiribati and Turkmenistan. Sweden is no longer the top country, instead USA is first (26%), followed by Sweden (20%) and UK (7.8%).
- 56% of all visits came from search engines, up from 50% previous 12 month period.
- Top referring search key words: “zlatan ibrahimovic twitter” and “twitter handle”. Top word previous year was “twitter handle”.
- Top referral sources: 1) Twitter, 2) Facebook
- Busiest day, Dec 21, 2011
- Media attention worth mentioning are for example that I was on the front page of Swedish Internetworld and that The Next Web picked up my piece about Instagram growing faster than Flickr.
It is interesting that only one of the top five posts (most visits) has actually been published during the period. All the other four are older posts that still attract a lot of visitors:
- Strategies for choosing Twitter handle – Jan 2009
- Zlatan Ibrahimovic on Twitter – June 2009
- GM’s Facebook page attacked by angry Saab fans – Dec 2011
- Top 20 countries on Twitter – Jan 2010
- BP Oil Spill and Social Media – May 2010
If you want to follow my blog, don’t forget to subscribe to the RSS feed or “like” it on Facebook.
Photo from Flickr.