MTG buys Sweden’s second largest online community

The international entertainment-broadcasting group Modern Times Group (MTG) buys 90% of the Swedish youth community Playahead for SEK 102 million (11 million euro).

“Playahead is Sweden´s second largest internet community, with over 530,000 members, and its Swedish operations generated more than 50% year on year revenue growth to SEK 18.2 (11.9) million for the nine months ended 30 September 2006.” […]

“Studies show that 12-24 year olds spend as much as a third of their media consuming time on the Internet, which is part of the reason why Internet advertising is forecast to deliver high double digit growth over the coming years in Scandinavia, and even higher levels of growth in the Eastern European markets. Scandinavia´s high internet and broadband penetration levels provide the perfect environment for the proliferation of user-generated video and audio content, as well as a full range of live chat, email, streaming and blogs,” says a press release from MTG.

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Sleep with the best in Scandinavia

Can you say no? Several bloggers, including me, have reacted to sexist ads from Radisson SAS hotels. The ads had slogans like “It’s easy to sleep with the best in Scandinavia” and “Can you say no?”, accompanied by photos of a seductive woman on a bed. Now ERK, the ethical board against sexually discriminative advertising, has brought its verdict that these ads are discriminative and insulting to women in general, and therefore breaking the ICC rules for advertising.

“Den aktuella kampanjen objektifierar enligt rådet kvinnor genom att den koppling som finns mellan bilden av en kvinna eller en man och rubriken. Anspelningen på prostituerade är enligt rådet klar och annonserna ger vid en hastig blick bilden av att det är kvinnan som betraktaren skall eller kan sova med. Härigenom förmedlar annonserna ett budskap som är kränkande och därmed diskriminerande för både män och kvinnor i allmänhet. Annonserna strider därför mot ICC:s grundregler för reklam.”

In its statement the board says that the ads allude to prostitutes. The ad in question can be seen here.

Via Martin Jönsson and Bisonblog.