How to get a million likes in a day – and a puppy

President Barack Obama promised his daughters a puppy when he was elected in 2008. Another dad required his two daughters to do something themselves in order to get a new puppy. He agreed to get a dog if the girls could get a million likes on Facebook. Impossible, you say? How about doing it in 24 hours? That’s what the girls achieved. And dad kept his promise, the girls and their three brothers are now getting a new dog.

Here’s how it all began. Yesterday, they created a Facebook page called “Twogirlsandapuppy” and posted a message.

“Hi, We’re two sisters and we desperately want a puppy. We have three little brothers, too. Yes, we have five kids in our family.

We lost our dog several months ago to cancer. We really want another one but our parents are reluctant.

Then the other day we saw a brother and sister on facebook post a picture saying that their dad would let them get a dog if they get a ton of likes. We got our dad to agree to it!

He said if we get 1 million likes we get a new puppy. He doesn’t think we can do it.

In our original post we had a link for donations, but that was partly because mom and dad didn’t think anyone other than close friends and family would actually see this page! We removed that link when we saw how many people were coming to this page.

We don’t want to ask strangers for money, only likes.

Thanks for your likes!”

The profile image and a separate image have now almost 2 million likes in about 24 hours. Now, that’s a viral story.


Good luck with the puppy, kids. And parents, don’t make a promise you are not prepared to keep. Getting a million likes might not be that difficult.