Lars Bringert and Bertil Torekull wrote in Dagens Nyheter earlier this week about the paper vs online dilemma for journalism (read good vs bad). And while readers flock online, journalists still prefer “dead tree” journalism. Kristine Lowe writes about the situation in Norway:
“Despite how Norway’s most successful newspaper, both in terms of profits and readers, is the online version of VG, aspiring journalists would rather work for VG’s print version. The former is currently hiring, the latter firing. Still, while 1510 applied for summer jobs in VG this year, the printed tabloid, VG online only received 162 applications. Öyvind Naess, VG’s Human Resources director, said he thought this indicated that journalism education was still stuck in ‘old patterns of thinking’ (via Kampanje).”
Tags: journalism, norway, newspapers, journalistik, tidningar. Ping.