Aftonbladet to launch Facebook-like community

The Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet is about to launch a new community on its website, reports Dagens Media. Readers will get their own Facebook-like profile pages where all activities will be visible. In the future, profile pages will for example contain users’ comments to articles ( does not currently allow comments to articles, but does show links to blog posts). According to Andreas Aspegren who is responsible for the project, the profile pages will include a guestbook, a messaging feature and a photo album.

Advertisers will be offered the possibility to purchase targeted ads on user pages. Due to recent security issues (Aftonbladet was the victim of a hacker attack recently) the community has been delayed. A possible launch date is within the coming two months.

Aftonbladet is also working on a new advertising model in which revenue would be shared with bloggers, like the free daily Metro already does.

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