The New York Times writes (reg. Required) about how blogs are complementary to traditional media and have become a vital source of information in the aftermath of the earthquake in southern Asia. Another example is Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet which is continously updating a web page with external links to tsunami information from non-traditional media like blogs, wikis and personal homepages.
Year: 2005
Bloggers get together to raise money
BitTorrent video files from the tsunami
The P2P file distribution tool BitTorrent has been under serious attack during the last month from the digital rights movement, but the method can also be used in less dubious ways than sharing illegal copies of music, film or games. For example sharing video footage of the tsunami disaster. The web site Waves of destruction collects photos and videos from the catastrophe and many video files are distributed in BitTorrent format. The site has had thousands of BitTorrent users the last days.
Tsunami before/after photos
If you need any additional motivation to donate money to the victims of the tsunami, these satellite photos of the disaster area show the horrific differences before and after the waves hit land. For example Banda Aceh shore. More here.